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Kiwanis Golf Outing

Saturday, June 29, 2024
Lockwood Folly Country Club

Limited to 128 Golfers
So Register Today!

Tee It Up for the Kids!

This year's annual Kiwanis Golf Outing will take place Saturday, June 29, at the Lockwood Folly Country Club in Shallotte. Lunch is provided and prizes will be awarded. Guarantee your spot by signing up today!


The awards will be distributed at the luncheon, which will be served in the club's banquet hall. You'll also have the opportunity at that time to bid on many great prizes donated by area businesses by way of a silent auction.


Proceeds from the event will be used to support the many Kiwanis programs serving the youth of Brunswick County.


The cost is $120 per player, which includes a mulligan package.* If you choose to forgo the mulligan package, the cost is $100.


Interested in being a sponsor? You can do so for $250 by completing the form on the Contact Us page of the golf outing's registration site. Someone will contact you.


If you're not available to play that day, you can still support Kiwanis and the children of Brunswick County in one of two ways: 


  1. Spread the word to other potential golfers and direct them to our website. 

  2. Go to and locate the Donate Now button found near the bottom of every page to make a tax-deductible contribution.


Arrange your foursome today, get everyone registered, and put(t) the date on your calendar. It will be a swinging time! See you there!! 



* Mulligan Rules: Each player who purchases a Mulligan Package gets 3 mulligans (do overs), which can be used at any time, PLUS either a tee buster (for male players) or a free toss (for female players).  Tee Buster: Hit your drive from one tee forward of your normal tee one time during the round. Free Toss: Toss the ball out of a bunker or a rough one time during the round, or onto the green from the fringe, without counting it as a stroke. The toss cannot be used when the ball is already on the green.



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